Dec 8, 2023Liked by Madeleine Dore

Thanks Madeleine,

that was a wonderful little read with some good tips and reminders. Whilst meditating I sensed the words, ‘ Do what you love, but take out the need to impress anyone with it.’ You touch on this point at the end of your article.

I’m writing a novel and working on showing, not telling. Putting in the little details in an engaging way is not easy. My impatience to tell the story skims over all of the details that make for a captivating read. Thanks again!😊🙏🏽Das

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Thank you for the words of wisdom you have managed to so elegantly place in this list.

Step 11 really resonated with me, and I think it’s wonderful to read about the importance of enjoying the small wins and good moments. As someone very new to writing on Substack, I’ve tried my best to enjoy every little moment and be grateful for the journey. ☺️

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Madeleine Dore

Love your reminders of life’s inherent messiness. Sometimes when I’m frustrated with how little process I’ve made with my thesis and starting to get mad at myself, I’ll read a chapter from your book and be reminded that this is how it works, and that it’s ok. Thanks for being there for me in my times of need!

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This was wonderful. How important to remember it is all a process. That includes heights and lows, ebbing and flowing. That even though the process seems linear, that at times the middle comes first, the beginning last. Life is funny that way.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Madeleine Dore

Beautiful post! I have always been fascinated by beginnings. I dedicate my profession to helping others to give birth to their ideas. I found your text real, profound and written from the heart. Congratulations!

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Madeleine Dore

Thank you for sharing, this is truly helpful 🙏

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Madeleine Dore

Thank you, this came at a good time for me! Projects are not growing quickly for me at the moment, and this has reminded me that nothing has gone wrong, It happens all the time to myself and to others, it’s not a problem. I guess it’s how things mostly are, so thank you again for sharing this.

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As always, so much insight and wisdom in this. Thank you for sharing so generously x

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This is so good, I saved it and came back four months later to read it again. Thank you.

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Thank you for this! It was a comforting and inspiring read. We can all fall into the trap of focusing on goals or the end product, but it's the process that matters. You detail the messy, difficult, wonderful process of creating so eloquently and beautifully :)

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Oh this is wonderfully freeing and so simply well put.

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I enjoyed this so much. I find I am not slow to start things ( I love starting new projects, i jump right in!) but in a creative project i can't seem to bring it an ending, to know when it is done, to ever be satisfied. I find that to be the case with my current novel, now in its fifth draft, two years in the making. How do you view endings? How do you approach the knowledge or acceptance that a creative project is complete.

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I loved this essay. Thank you for showing us your steps, I could relate to them all in my own ride through the two-year+ journey of writing my latest novel. I pride myself on my "beginner's mind." It's one of my superpowers! I am not afraid of beginnings and I've learned to plow through the messy middle, have experienced the euphoria of the ending of a creative project--and then, the realization--I have to begin again! But not at the same place I started. Not at all. I am a different woman/writer than when I began the book and so this time the ride we'll have together--me and my imagined world--is going to be richer and better and that much closer to feeling I am done--and ready to begin something new.

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