Beautifully written.

Sometimes the decluttering or finding surges of energy around the house help clear mind clutter as well, almost as if to say - "you'll be able to focus once you stop thinking about [ this or that ]"


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Absolutely! ❤️

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I love the idea of letting something percolate in our subconscious and using our energy around completing a project/task as a guide about whether we need to let it percolate more. So good!

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I also just love the word percolate! ❤️

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big fan of the lying down thing, even better if it's a hard wood floor. something about being close to earth just...changes things. loved this!

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Oh I love this — let's get on the floor more! (Also a nice segue to next week's interview — stay tuned!)

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I absolutely needed to read this. I am such a sucker for trying to force my creativity out like toothpaste!! going where the vibes are feels like a forever lesson. LOVE this perspective

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"Like toothpaste" captures this experience perfectly! Thank you for reading ❤️

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this really changed the trajectory of my days. thank you so much for talking about this! it's really not spoken about enough!

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I agree, things like trust and intuition can become lost in optimisation ❤️

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I love this Madeleine and the idea that what's being created is still having a nice little nap, so let it be. I find more and more that I really have to feel the energy of what I'm doing in order to get involved. This is the flow that I'm looking for, otherwise I'll turn to something else like you say. And yes to taking time out, it's where the best things come from!

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Yes to finding the flow we are looking for! ❤️

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Yes... Pausing or taking a nap at times is a very good idea 😊

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Such wisdom. I live by this ❤️

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Love this - and v pro nap also! <3

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A day changer! ❤️

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Seems to be the opposite of the “frog task” concept.

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Absolutely — in my book 'I Didn't Do The Thing Today' I go even further detail about an alternative, "eat the clotted cream method" which is about starting with our own version of delight each day ❤️

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Thank you for this. Perfect tonic for my procrastination.

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... or should we say percolation! ❤️

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I held off on publishing and writing about things. This post gave me encouragement and was so timely. Love this!

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I'm glad Paul! And so lovely to see you here ❤️

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I am increasingly giving in more to joy, living these lines: “If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy, don’t hesitate. Give in to it.”— Mary Oliver, and Sondheim's advice to write lying down...perhaps that's why my most creative thoughts come when early in the morning, crawling back into bed, my tea tray beside me, lingering in that dreamspace to access the part of my brain that isn't fully awake.

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Your morning sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing Amy ❤️

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Thanks for this post. I feel the same way as you do when I write and don't write. However, I still find myself conflicted on whether to wait for the muse or ignore it and start writing, and then it will duly join. One day I feel like that well-drilled journalist, whilst on other days, I'm not.

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Ah, yes Mo! This is the ever present tension — when do we need to allow more space for the thing to percolate, and when do we need to simply face the thing? I think it does ebb and flow day by day, and the answer comes in experimenting, observing, and knowing thyself ❤️

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Love this! I struggle with doing the things I want to do, over those I feel I must. Most of my life, I felt my value linked directly to my productivity. I am slowly loosening the grip. Allowing myself to soften into the pleasure of desire. Doing the little things that bring peace, joy and pleasure to my life. Thank you for permission.

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